From the course: Figma: Using Auto Layout

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Working with spacing

Working with spacing - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma: Using Auto Layout

Working with spacing

- [Presenter] Let's talk about spacing in auto-layout. Make sure to download the exercise file with the Figma project that we'll be using for this lesson. So when you open the project, you can see a list of five different text layers. To illustrate to you how spacing settings work. Let's first of all select all of these layers and apply auto-layout by clicking on the plus icon right here in our auto-layout panel. So here in the auto-layout section, we have different settings that we can work with. And if you want to work with spacing settings, you need to control this input field. So at the moment, you can see that the spacing value is set to a fixed gap of 10 pixels. You can, of course, modify the value to the value of 12 pixels, as an example, or maybe four pixels to decrease the space between these text layers. But I'm going to actually set it back to the value of 10 pixels. Now let's actually copy this auto-layout frame with control plus DQ shortcut and place it right here on the…
