From the course: Figma: Using Auto Layout

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Resizing dimensions

Resizing dimensions

- [Instructor] Let's explore resizing dimensions in auto layout. When using auto layout, it's common to apply different resizing options to your design elements. Resizing is particularly powerful as it lets you control vertical and horizontal dimensions of objects within an auto layout frame. In auto layout in Figma, you have three options for resizing along both the X and Y axis. The first one is called hug contents, and this option makes the auto layout frame adjusted size based on the dimensions of the objects located inside of it. So if your objects change size, the frame adapts accordingly. Then we have fixed width and height. With this choice, the frames, dimensions remain fixed and don't respond to the changes of the object size. And finally, we have the third option that is called fill container. Here, the objects within the auto layout frame stretch to fit the width and height of the frame they're in. It's like they're expanding to fill up all the available space. Let's jump…
