From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

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- [Joseph] With the course now concluded, you have a good idea of the workflow involved when translating a design file in Figma to the web via CSS and HTML. We first exported any image assets that we would need from our design documents into files. We then used the inspect workspace in Figma to gather the CSS properties from various visual design elements within our document. After visually documenting these elements and properties, we then created a proper CSS file and translated the raw properties into a set of valid CSS rules. We then established an HTML file and linked our CSS to it, along with the markup representing the various design elements. A few refinements later, and we have produced a fully functional responsive landing page based on the original Figma design document. I'm Joseph Labrecque and I hope you enjoyed working with Figma and CSS in this course. Thank you for joining me.
