From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

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Using the Inspect workspace

Using the Inspect workspace

- [Instructor] While the image assets we've exported are necessary for the design implementation, Cascading Style Sheet properties are what provides all the information about positioning and design properties of these assets in addition to all other elements that may be present in a design. Let's have a look at a couple of ways to expose these CSS properties. One thing we can always do is choose a particular object, like perhaps the button skin, and if we right click on this selection, we have the option to copy paste as, and copy this as CSS. Note that as an alternative to the export workflows we explored last time, we can also copy as SVG, or a PNG file. If we choose copy as CSS, it's going to copy the CSS into our clipboard which we can then paste in another document. Figma also has an inspect workspace. So we've been working in design. If I click on Inspect, we can see all of the different properties for this…
