From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

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Refining the design from Figma

Refining the design from Figma

- [Instructor] We will now complete the implementation from Figma to CSS by modifying the CSS rules in such a way that the final design remains true to what was visualized within Figma while also providing a responsive experience to the user. As we can see, as things currently are with just the raw direct content from Figma, things are not very responsive, and also the spacing's a little weird here and there, nothing resizes, and the star still needs to be implemented. We're going to change all this right now. So similar to before, I do have here, a 0303_code.txt file with all of the modifications that we need to make to our CSS document. We're going to use this as a guide. In Visual Studio Code, I'm going to add another window here so we can keep this code in view as we go through the content. So firstly, in our CSS, we don't have any rules right now, for the body of our document, which is lacking. We should have…
