From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

Implementing CSS from your Figma designs - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

Implementing CSS from your Figma designs

- Tools like Figma are great for designing and prototyping user experiences, but when it comes to translating these designs into workable code and content for the web, or other platforms, things get a bit more tricky. We'll use Figma's Inspect workspace to gather the CSS properties for visual documentation purposes before creating a CSS file to establish rules based upon the gathered properties. Finally, we'll establish an HTML file linked to the translated CSS and previously exported images, which contains markup representing our Figma design elements. With some additional refinements, we will produce a fully functional, responsive website landing page. I'm Joseph Labrecque. I invite you to join me in this LinkedIn Learning course.
