From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

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Exporting and organizing images

Exporting and organizing images - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

Exporting and organizing images

- [Instructor] With our desired elements marked up for export as assets, we'll now proceed to perform the export and ensure that our assets are organized in a folder for use in the CSS implementation to come. If you recall, choosing an object that we have marked for exports like the star, we can always click, export here, and the star will be exported in the folder of our choosing. I'm going to cancel out of that because there is an easier way. So we went ahead and actually pre-marked and preset a lot of the settings for couple of assets, both the star as an SVG, and this offer file here, this cluster of elements in the center. So we want to export both of these at once. To do that, we can go to file, export, and here we have our export dialogue that pops up. Inside of here we can untick things that we don't want to export, or tick things that we do, and it gives us the properties here. So we can see it's a PNG file…
