From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

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Defining image export properties

Defining image export properties - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

Defining image export properties

- [Instructor] Figma provides the ability to identify certain objects for exports and to define how these assets should be exported via export settings. This includes decisions around file format, size, naming, and more. Let's identify some of the assets here that would benefit from being exported as images. Right in the center, we have this large offer. This is like a hero banner, so it makes sense to export this complex set of objects inside of Figma into a single image file to be used on the website. Additionally, we have this little star up top. The star is a vector object right now and can be exported as SVG for CSS inclusion. Let's begin with the star. You can always drill down inside of Figma to select different objects. However, I find using the layers panel to be very beneficial, because you can just simply select each object that you want to export and it highlights for you. Ensure you are in the design workspace…
