From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

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Defining a CSS document

Defining a CSS document

- [Instructor] Now that we have all the assets and CSS properties gathered into one spot, we can more easily construct the actual CSS file to be used in this project. I'll be using Visual Studio Code as my editor, but you can use any web code editor you like. So let's shift from Figma over to Visual Studio Code. There we are. I've already opened up my Exercise Files folder here, and we have a folder for assets, which includes our logomark.svg that we exported. Our offer.png file. And we've also got the text file that includes all of the IDs that we used to create our design document. We can actually just copy these with a Command or Control+A. A Command or Control+C. So that we can place them easily into our CSS file. Additionally, of course, you can always copy them from your design document if you wish, but here they're more useful as identifiers. Let's create a new CSS file inside of our files. I'm going to click the…
