From the course: Figma: From Design to CSS Implementation

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Creating an HTML document

Creating an HTML document

- [Instructor] We now have everything we need from the Figma design document translated into an immediately usable form. We have a set of organized image assets and a CSS file, which includes the raw rules derived from Figma. We'll now establish a simple HTML file and link our CSS document to it. So inside of Visual Studio Code, let's go ahead and create a new file. We'll name it index.html. Here we are inside of the index.html file, and what we need is some boilerplate for our HTML. I've included such a boilerplate inside of this file here, 0301_code.txt. So we have our basic HTML template here. I'm going to copy and paste it right into our index.html document. Here we declare the doc type as HTML. We set the language to English, and then we have the head of the document established, the body, and then we close out the HTML. So inside of our head we have the character set assigned to UTF8. We have a title for Big…
