From the course: Figma for UX Design

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Working with other designers

Working with other designers - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma for UX Design

Working with other designers

- [Instructor] Early on in the history of Figma, one of the primary reasons companies started migrating over to Figma was the ability for multiple designers to be in the same design file at one time. This not only improved collaboration, but it also increased the efficiency of the entire team. Since there was no longer a need to worry about version control and sharing of files. Let's look at our design file and see what changes when another designer is in there with us. As we discussed early on in our initial overview, up in the top right of our toolbar, we have our initials. This indicates that we are the only person currently in this design file. I'll log in from another system so we can see what changes. So as I log in, notice how a second circle has appeared indicating that someone else is now in the file. For me, I logged into the same individual, so it's going to have the same initial, but you can see now we also have…
