From the course: Figma for UX Design

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Creating a responsive button

Creating a responsive button - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma for UX Design

Creating a responsive button

- [Instructor] Creating responsive buttons that can be used quickly is a key part of our design toolkit. So taking what we've learned about the power of frames, let's use that knowledge to create our first responsive button. I'm going to stay here on our Components page, and we're going to create a new frame using the shortcut key F. Not too concerned about the size at this point. Let's just drag a big rectangle here, perfect. And our fill is already at white, which is what we want. Let's come up here to our properties and change our radius to 100. Next thing I want to do is take my Text tool, I'm going to hit my T key. Let's type out "Connect." Get that centered up. Now what I want to do is apply auto layout to this text layer. I'm going to use the shortcut key Shift + A. With that auto layout applied, let's go ahead and hit Shift key, select the frame, and let's hit Shift + A again to nest the text layer auto…
