From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] If you don't have access to the exercise files for this course, no problem, don't worry about it. You can still follow along and create your own. I just wanted to show you the structure of the exercise files folder and give you a little idea of how to work with them. So if I open up this folder and take a look inside, you'll see that each section is corresponding to a section in the course. For instance, if I click 03_AddContent here, you're going to see that we've got some Figma files in here that you can start with. So as you're going along, if you jump to a section in the course, you can open up one of these files and start from there. To open up one of these files, jumping ahead a little bit here, but I wanted to introduce this, in your browser, after you've signed up for Figma, and you've gone to and all that stuff out here, what you can do is you can actually import one of those files right here. We're going to look at importing a little bit later, but if I click import and go into the exercise files folder, you can go, for instance, to 03_AddContent, and click on one of the Figma files, click open, and what it'll do is it'll import it for you and you can start from that point as soon as you open it up. So you click done. You can come over here and open the file. Now that you have an idea of how the exercise files work, let's move on to starting your first project.
