From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Start prototyping

Start prototyping

- [Instructor] With an understanding of what prototyping is, let's jump in and add some interactivity. All right, with this file open you're going to see that down here there is a footer, which is a component. We created this in the video on constraints. So if you want to learn how to do this check out that video. I turned it into a component pretty easily and I just Copy Pasted it between all three of these frames. Let's zoom into that. Now what we're going to do is we're going to add some interactivity to it. So let me move over a little, alright. Click away from it. And in order to start adding interactivity, you can do it at any point in the process, come up to a prototype. We can set all our settings which we talked about in a previous video. We can also set a starting frame, which is really important. You pick which frame you want people to see first and I want to make sure this is home. Now we can come in and…
