From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Set up local fonts

Set up local fonts

- Before we jump into Figma and create our content. I want to quickly talk to you about fonts. And when you're working with Figma in the browser you're going to have access to a series of Google fonts automatically there, you can use them. But if your using Figma in the browser you won't be able to access your local fonts. If you want to use fonts you have in your machine, what you want to do is, you want to install Figma's Font Helper. Now, if you're using Figma on a desktop you don't have to worry about this, this automatically happens. You can just pick fonts when you're working with text right from your machine. But here's how we install the font helper in the browser. Back in the File browser, come to the upper right here and click on the icon for your name and then click Settings Scroll down and you should see down here Fonts, local fonts are currently not enabled. If you want to learn a little more, you can click on…
