From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Reuse content with components

Reuse content with components - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

Reuse content with components

- [Narrator] When you work in your Figma designs, they're going to be things that you want to reuse. Maybe like the elements up here, or the button right here. You can save things as components for re-usable elements, and the component itself is sort of like a template, or a master object. If you make copies of it, you make what's called an Instance. That way, if we need 16 buttons out here, we can have one component that could control the color of all the buttons, the size of the buttons, things like that. So let's make a component. I'll zoom into the button down here. I'm going to use command, and the scroll wheel on my mouse. You can do it a bunch of different ways. And let's add some text. Come to the Text tool, and just click, and we'll just type in MENU, something like that. We're going to make it a little bit bigger. Press Escape. And that should select it for you. And come over here, and we're going to change this size. So let's make this pretty big. We'll make it like 26, or…
