From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Resize content with constraints

Resize content with constraints - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

Resize content with constraints

- Now, if we need to resize a frame, you're going to find that a lot of times the content, like if I grab this frame and resize it the content isn't going to do anything really except for that image in the back because that's an image in the frame. But you'll see the content doesn't react in any way. We can actually apply constraints, so that content within a frame will scale, will move, and even staying in certain positions if we want. Let's take this frame, go ahead and select it, and we're going to duplicate it. So press command + D on Mac or control + D on windows and it should put one to the right over here. Now, what I want you to do is drag it over by the name a little bit and I'm going to press the space bar and move over so that you have a little room to work here. Now, suppose that we want this content to always stay centered in this frame. If we decide to make the frame bigger. So let's do that. Click on the…
