From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Organize with layers

Organize with layers

- One way to work smarter in Figma is to work with layers. Now, layers, if you look over here on the left are a way to see all the content out here in your file. And the way they're organized is actually by frames. So if you look, you can see these little icons right here, this cross hatch, it matches the frame tool right up here. You can see. So, if you were to click on the arrow to the left of all these three frames you'd see these three screens that we're developing for our app right now. What's interesting about layers in here is that you don't actually create new layers. There's no create new button out here. As you add content, that content appears in the layers panel. And the ordering in here really matters because it mirrors the ordering or the stacking order out here. So for instance, if you were to come in here to your locations frame, and you can see I added a little bit of extra content here from the…
