From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Create shapes

Create shapes

- The first thing we'll start adding are shapes, which we're going to do a lot in Figma. So, what we're going to do is we're going to add to the homepage, this white circle, the shape here for a button, and we're going to create this orange bar. So let's jump in. We'll start by creating the white circle over here on the homepage. So come up to the upper left here. You're going to see the shape tools. Click on the arrow to the right and you've got a whole bunch of different kinds of shapes you can create including placing images. Select the ellipse tool. Come out here and just press and drag and you're going to see you can make a shape of any size. If you press the shift key while you're doing it, you can constrain it to a circle. All right, make it about this big. Release the mouse button then the key and as soon as you let go you're going to see you're no longer on the shape tool. You're on this tool right here…
