From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Create and edit frames

Create and edit frames

- [Instructor] With your Restaurant app open now, you can see that we pretty much don't have a lot going on out here. That's because what we're looking at right now is called the editor. So this is the place where we go to edit, to add content, to prototype, to do all kinds of things. This is our file being open right now. If you look out here, you're going to see what's called a canvas. The canvas is actually pretty big. But what we need to do is we need to put our design content out here. We're going to use, to start, something called frames. Now frames are similar to art boards in other applications, like Illustrator or XD. But they are different from what are called pages. We'll talk about pages in the next video. If you come up over here to the left, you're going to see we have the frame tool. You click on the frame tool. If you look on the right, you should see a whole bunch of different types of sizes that are…
