From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

Combine and edit shapes

- [Instructor] As you create shapes, you're going to want to combine them and edit them and do things like that. So that's what we're going to do next. We're going to create a map pin icon just to get you the idea. So what I want to do is come down here toward the bottom of this frame and we're going to zoom in a bit. So I, you know, I tend to actually use command on Mac and my scroll wheel on my mouse to zoom in. You can also use the plus key or minus to zoom out. So we can zoom in a little bit, and you'll notice that I'm going to move down a little bit by pressing the space bar, get to the hand tool and dragging. So I can see the bottom down here, then release the space bar when you are done. If you zoom in far enough you're going to see this grid show up, this is a pixel grid we can align to, so it makes it easier to snap the things. So zoom in until you see that pixel grid. Now we're going to draw a map pin icon, so come up here and select the ellipse. This is actually pretty easy to do once you see how it's done. Come out here and drag, we're just going to make ourselves a circle. To make a circle press the Shift key, get it about yea big, something like that. Released the mouse and then the key. And we're going to go in and start to edit and do things with this. So to think ahead we need another circle like this copied and put on top and made a little bit smaller so we can make the whole of that map pin icon. So simply copy by Command + C or Control + C on Windows. Paste, Command + V on Mac or Control + V on Windows. And you'll see that it actually pasted one right on top, that's how Figma works. All right, to make it a little bit smaller come to a corner, and what we're going to do is scale it. So just drag to scale it from the center, so they are still aligned. Press the Option key on Mac or Alt key on Windows. Now you can distort it, so press the Shift key at the same time. So, Option + Shift on Mac, Alt + Shift on Windows and make it smaller, about that big. Release the mouse button and then the key. Okay, we're going to take these two now and we're going to take this circle and punch it through that one. So we'll apply a Boolean operation. So Shift + click the circle back here, come up top and in the toolbar up here you're going to see we've got some options. We've got the ability to create components, we'll talk about those later. We've got masks, we'll do those in a bit. And you've got right here these are the Boolean operations. Click on the arrow to the right and what we're going to do is we're going to use subtract selection. And that just subtracts the top shape from the shape beneath to give you this. Now, to edit it, to make the map pin. When you create shapes, you can, you know rescale and size and move and do all that. But if you want to go in and edit the actual points and distort the shape, double-click in the gray area and what you're doing is you're going into the group right now. You can see over here that this is actually composed of two shapes, the smaller circle and the bigger circle. If you hover over them you could see that. That's called subtract. Now if you double click on this circle again you're going to be able to get to the anchors, these are the points that you can go in and distort. And that hashing means you are about to do this, you are in an editing mode. So grab this point and go down. And what we want to do is we want to align it up. So, just go straight down and you'll see something like that, and let go. Now you can see that these little handles are actually controlling the curve of the path or the shape of the path. What we want, is we want this to be a corner point, so if you come to this point right here, click on it to select it. And what I want you to do is this, press the Command key on Mac or Control key on Windows. And you're going to see this little thing show up next to the pointer. If you just click, you actually take away the handles. If you were to click again you'd add them, so you go back and forth. So make sure it looks like this then you can release the key, and we've got it. What we want to do now is we want to edit this shape right here. And to stop editing, right now we're in an editing mode and this always used to confuse me. You can either press escape or you can click done right up here. So I'll press Escape and it goes out and selects, you can see right here it's selecting outside objects still. What I want to do now is I want to select this inside object. So if you click on it you can make it bigger and smaller once again, Option + Shift + drag, Alt + Shift + drag on Windows and you can change the size of that. Here we go, release the mouse and then the keys. Now we need to change the color of the shape overall. What we need to do, is we need to select the whole thing. So you can either press Escape to de-select and then click on it. Or you can click on it over here in the layers panel to select the entire grouped object, this is a group of things. Now you can come over to fill, click on the fill and let's change the color to white. And there we go. What we'll do, I'm going to zoom out a little bit here, you can use minus and use scroll wheel. You can click on it and resize it if you want to by pressing the Shift key to make it a little smaller maybe. We're going to scale it and do some different things with it as we get the other icons together.
