From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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An intro to drawing

An intro to drawing

- [Instructor] Now that you've got a little feel for drawing shapes and combining them, we're going to take a look at drawing with tools like the Pen Tool. So we're going to create this icon using a rectangle and then what we draw with the Pen Tool and a couple of circles. In your restaurant app file over here, I'm going to zoom in a little bit by pressing the plus key here and just to the right of your mapping icon, let's draw it here. So come up here, we're going to start with a rectangle. Click on the rectangle tool and come out and draw a rectangle that's about this big. It doesn't matter. You can always change it later. Okay, now with this selected we're going to change the color of it. So come to fill and let's change it to white. There we go. Now we talked about being able to edit shapes like this before in the previous videos. But if we want to we're going to add this side of the bag over here. We're…
