From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Add images

Add images

- [Instructor] Let's jump into one of the more important things in your Figma design, images. We're going to start to add a few images that you see here, and we'll go over how to do things like bringing them in, how to space them, how to size them and different things like that. Okay with your restaurant app open here in Figma. Why don't you come up to the upper right, and you can say zoom to fit that way you can see everything out here. And we're going to add a series of images over here, and then we're going to add an image to the background of this frame right here. So to add images, you can do it a bunch of different ways. You can copy paste. You can drag drop. One other way is to come right up here to the shapes and choose place image. You know three add content. We're going to add these three images right here so go ahead and Shift click. Now we can bring in a bunch of different types of images. We can…
