From the course: Excel: Power Query for Beginners

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Conditional columns

Conditional columns

- [Instructor] I have lots of rows that represent sales transactions here and each of the products are very specific. We've got apples, we've got bananas, we've got broccoli, celery, and so forth and so on. What if I want to higher level category breakdown. For example, what if I want to know how many beverage sales there are versus fruit sales versus vegetable sales? It's almost like I need a new column here that tells me which category or department the product belongs to. So let's add that column and we'll do so by adding a conditional column in Power Query. I've got the 02, 04 sales data XLSX file open. I've also got the queries pane open. You can get that by clicking the data tab and clicking this button here, queries and connections or in earlier versions of Excel. You click show queries. And I'm going to go ahead and add that conditional column by right clicking the query and choosing edit. Okay. We need that…
