From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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Using tables to support PivotTable integrity

Using tables to support PivotTable integrity - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

Using tables to support PivotTable integrity

- When you have your source data all set up, and you anticipate making pivot tables, it's great to be in the habit of using tables, especially if your data is going to change. Well, let's look at a few things. Here is our data set with 2020 donations. I'm going to put it into a table. I'm in the Home tab of the ribbon. Go to Format as Table. Let's select this dark blue or you select whatever color you would like, and then OK. The table does have headers. I'm going to scroll down and make sure all of the data was captured. Okay. Now, don't worry about what's that row 144. That's part of what we are here for. Alright? So don't look at that yet. I'm going to scroll back up. Good. Get rid of the filter buttons. Alright. And I'm going to deal with that data over in K later as well. Alright. So let's make a pivot table. Cursor's in the data set. Insert. PivotTable. New Worksheet. OK. Let's look…
