From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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Import and combine data sets in Power Query

Import and combine data sets in Power Query - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

Import and combine data sets in Power Query

- [Instructor] A lot of times, we need to get data stacked up in one place. In this situation, we have a workbook and it's got data for four counties on it. Right now we're looking at Barco County. We've got columns for city, the year each city was founded, the number of high schools, the address for city hall and who the mayor is. And down in row 12 there's report ran by Cynthia. Okay, we don't really need that but let's leave it. Let's look at the other data. We've got Gladd county. Oh, report ran by Timothy. Notice also, there is no mayor column for Gladd County. And then Raddlit County. Mayor column but no report ran by data. And then Starling County. Let's go back to Barco County. There's a lot that we could do with this data if it was in one place. Maybe we want to sort all of the data regardless of the county by the founded date. Maybe we want to isolate the cities that have between five and 10 high schools,…
