From the course: Excel for Banking Professionals

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Using Excel in loan portfolios

Using Excel in loan portfolios

- [Instructor] One of the most critical things that bankers in a commercial setting need to do is to be able to go through and look at their loan portfolios and decide how those loans are performing. So let's take a look at an example. I'm in the 02_05_Begin Excel file. So what I've got here is a simple loan book with just six loans, two business loans, two home loans, two auto loans, and we've gone through and gathered a bunch of data in the sheet on everything ranging from loan type and collateral value to the tenor payment amount, et cetera. So looking at this book overall, it looks like our loan to value ratios, pretty stable in most cases, just looking at the collateral value relative to the balance. It looks pretty modest. You know, our home loans, probably a little bit riskier than other segments, but big picture that's not a surprise given the nature of the home loan industry. Anyway, so there's two things…
