From the course: Excel: Creating a Basic Dashboard

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Use PivotTable data in a formula

Use PivotTable data in a formula

- [Instructor] One of the benefits of summarizing data using a pivot table is that you can refer to a pivot table cell such as a subtotal or grand total in your dashboard. That way you get all the benefits of a pivot table with the compact data display of a dashboard. In this movie, I will show you how to link to a pivot table cell and also a cool trick that lets you display the data that you want from a pivot table by changing the value in one cell. My sample file is 0203 link to pivot and you can find it in the Chapter 2 folder of the exercise files collection. This workbook contains four worksheets and I'm already on dashboard where I've started creating a dashboard to summarize category revenue. On the pivot table worksheet I have a pivot table. And then on the data sheet, I have the data from which I created the pivot table. And you can see that I have three different categories, bath products, gift basket, and olive…
