From the course: Excel: Creating a Basic Dashboard

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- [Instructor] Thanks again for your interest in this course. Before I go, I'd like to give you the names of three books that you can read to get more information about creating dashboards, especially in Excel. The first book is "Information Dashboard Design" by Stephen Few and is published by O'Reilly. This is not a book specifically about Excel, but it's a terrific resource for designing dashboards in any application. For Excel-based work, I highly recommend "Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling" by Wayne Winston. This book has gone through several additions and Dr. Winston is a terrific analyst. Even though Dr. Winston's book does not deal directly with creating dashboards, you can find all kinds of interesting analyses and summaries and apply them to your own work. And finally, there's a great book, and it came out in 2016, named "Good Charts" by Scott Berinato. It's published by Harvard Business…
