From the course: Excel: Creating a Basic Dashboard

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Filter Excel table and PivotTable data

Filter Excel table and PivotTable data - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Creating a Basic Dashboard

Filter Excel table and PivotTable data

- [Instructor] The art of creating a dashboard is in determining which data to include and which to exclude. Excel lets you focus the data shown in a worksheet by creating different types of filters and also sorting your data. In this movie, I will show you how to create several different types of filters, sort your data, and finally create the very useful top 10 filter. My sample file is 0104 filter and you can find it in the chapter one folder of the exercise files collection. I've started on a sheet one of this workbook and that has the Excel table that I used to create my pivot table. I don't normally use Excel tables in a dashboard simply because they take up too much space. However, if you want to include a filtered table that could make sense. And let's see what that might look like. In my Excel table, I have monthly sales data for three different product categories. Let's say that I want to only see data for…
