From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

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Understanding data and the importance of databases

Understanding data and the importance of databases - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

Understanding data and the importance of databases

- Before we dig into Snowflake it's important to make sure we're familiar with the definition of the term data and following that the role databases have to play. Data is a commonly used term. It's everywhere. It shapes the world we live in and guides the decisions we make. And depending on how you value it, it holds immense power. But what exactly is data? I think it's important to be specific about its meaning to truly understand the opportunities it holds. So here it is. At its simplest, data is a set of values or pieces of information. It could be numbers, words, images, sounds, or anything communicated, interpreted, or processed. It comes in many forms. So here are some examples to add color to our understanding. Numbers from a survey, words in a book, a photo from your vacation, the song you just streamed. These are all examples of data. It could be raw, for example the unprocessed details collected from a…
