From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

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Supported data sources in Snowflake

Supported data sources in Snowflake - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

Supported data sources in Snowflake

- Data sources are the original locations where data is collected or generated. They form the foundation of any data analysis. These sources could be databases where structured data is stored and organized or unstructured data, like emails, documents, social media feeds, or machine logs. The confusing question some of you might ask here is if Snowflake is a database, then as I just described, surely, it's considered a data source. Yes, that's correct, and that highlights a really important point. When we look at analytical flows, we typically describe parts of the analytical flow relative to the problem at hand. So if we're analyzing data about some transactions in Tableau and the data was stored in Snowflake, Snowflake would be the data source. However, when we talk about getting data into Snowflake to do our analysis, we're more focused on the analytical flow of moving data into Snowflake from where it is, and so…
