From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

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Data types and formats in Snowflake

Data types and formats in Snowflake - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

Data types and formats in Snowflake

- We've looked at data sources, but what do we mean when we talk about data types? Data types in Snowflake refer to the types of data that can be stored within the tables in Snowflake. These are similar to data types in other relational databases, and the simplest way to think of it is by considering it to be a specific way to talk about the information you're handling. Big emphasis on specific. You'll see what I mean as we walk through some examples now. Let's start with numeric data types. Snowflake supports several numeric data types, including integer, float, and number. Numeric data types allow us to store numbers. It's that simple. Integer is used for whole numbers, while floats can represent real numbers. That's numbers with fractions to you and me. Number is a versatile data type that can hold numbers and decimals with user-defined precision. You might think precision is another word for accuracy, but the data…
