From the course: Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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Using AI and ML in cybersecurity

Using AI and ML in cybersecurity

- [Instructor] Artificial intelligence and machine learning are two powerful allies in cybersecurity. In this segment, we'll learn some of the ways artificial intelligence and machine learning identify threats to help prevent a cyber attack. Cyber threats have evolved over the past 30 years, starting with the Morris Worm in 1988, and then a rash of damaging email viruses hit in the early two thousands. We then started to see DDoS attacks, botnets, and ransomware. Today, attacks are more complex, well-funded, and capable of causing major disruption to an organization. Some of the issues we face include ransomware holding companies hostage, corporate espionage, and concerns with cloud security. Threat management requires advanced methods to detect and mitigate zero-day and other more sophisticated attacks. Artificial intelligence and machine learning play a key role in monitoring and managing threats, as algorithms can analyze…
