From the course: Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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Identifying adversary behavior

Identifying adversary behavior

- [Instructor] Malicious actors use several techniques to infiltrate a network. In this segment, we'll review several adversarial behaviors, such as lateral movement, DNS tunneling, and Command Line Interface Execution. Let's start with lateral movement, which are the methods malicious actors use to navigate through a system with the goal of gaining access to other systems and protected data. Many times the malicious actor must go through several phases to achieve lateral movement. The process begins with a reconnaissance exercise to gather information, which then moves to the initial access phase where they gain a foothold in the network. The process then moves to privilege escalation to gain higher levels of access to other systems. At that point, the attacker achieves the lateral movement phase to exploit weak security methods and expand their control and reach. This can be achieved using several techniques. They…
