From the course: Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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Defending in depth

Defending in depth

- [Instructor] A layered approach at multiple locations can help repel most classes of attacks. In this segment, we'll outline how a layered approach uses three basic elements, technical controls, administrative policies, and the people. In order to breach a system, it's not always necessary to use advanced or specialized techniques. Many times, someone is able to penetrate network defenses by simply taking advantage of common mistakes, such as failure to update virus signatures or sloppy patch and configuration management. In addition, an attack can occur from outsiders or insiders. As a result, the best tactic is to use a layered approach. Let's start by outlining how technical controls can help defend the network. Technical controls are put in place to detect threats and protect the infrastructure. Components should provide centralized correlation and be tuned to provide early notification of potential attacks. Some of…
