From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Wrong people in the wrong seat

Wrong people in the wrong seat

- In the iconic business book, "Good to Great," author Jim Collins, likens being a manager to being a bus driver. Your organization or team is the bus itself. Referring to managers, he says, "They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus and the right people in the right seats." Jim Collins is right. Building a strong team is the primary focus of any leader. In this lesson, you'll learn how to get the right people on your bus and the wrong people off. Let's start with building a strong team because you'll undoubtedly need to hire someone onto your bus. There are two major requirements to keep in mind as you interview. First, the ability to do the job well and second, a strong culture fit with your team. When evaluating ability, you'll want to qualify a candidates experience, skillset, and approach to their work. A great way to tease out their true level of experience is to ask…
