From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Neglecting diversity and inclusion

Neglecting diversity and inclusion

- A 2016 study published by Deloitte found that companies that rate highly on diversity and inclusion scales earn 2.3 times more cashflow per employee than companies that don't. Similar research has shown that diverse and inclusive teams are better at innovation, dealing with adversity and have far higher employee satisfaction engagement. In general, diverse and inclusive companies are simply better places to work. Unfortunately, unless you're a fortune 500 company, it's entirely possible that diversity and inclusion weren't actually explained to you when you entered management. This lesson will provide you with a definition for these two terms and explain how they're related leaving you with a strong understanding of their importance. I'll also provide useful techniques to aid you in building your team with diversity and inclusion in mind. A diverse team is made up of people of different races, genders, identities, ages…
