From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Interruption-free listening

Interruption-free listening

- Early in my career, I had an absolutely brilliant boss and mentor. During almost every meeting, he was on his laptop and phone, constantly responding to emails and texts. I looked up to him a lot, so rather than being offended, I was impressed by his multitasking ability and how important and busy he was. He was a CEO after all. After a while though, I realized he wasn't actually listening well during our conversations. I'd have to tell him things multiple times and his follow through after the meetings was actually pretty terrible. I started getting frustrated and eventually annoyed. As my career continued and I started working with other important and busy C-level executives, I realized the best ones actually paid attention in meetings, took notes and followed through on their to-do items afterward. Despite their position on the org chart, these people knew everyone's time was valuable and everyone was worthy of…
