From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Explain the why

Explain the why

- There is an ancient Greek myth about a man named Sisyphus who got a bit too clever in his business dealings and managed to get on Zeus's bad side. As a punishment for his shenanigans, Zeus sentenced Sisyphus to roll a boulder up a hill for all of eternity. Every time he got near the top of the hill, the boulder was fated to slip out of his hands and roll back to the bottom, leaving him to start his futile task over again. If you're thinking, "nice story, Dave, but what does this have to do with explaining why to the team?" Good question. If your team doesn't have any reasoning behind why they're doing something, it can start to feel like pointless labor rather quickly. It's up to you to provide them with the context they need to complete projects without feeling like they're eternally rolling a boulder up a hill. In this video, I'm going to teach you why "why" is so important when delegating work. Similar to the fate…
