From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Expectations and check-ins

Expectations and check-ins

- Have you ever walked into your year-end review and gotten completely unexpected feedback from your manager? You thought you were doing something great but your boss didn't. This is a miserable experience for both sides at the table. Managers don't like having to say it and employees don't like having to hear it. Unexpected feedback should be rare and as a manager, it's your job to make sure that those annual reviews don't come as a complete and unpleasant surprise to your employees. In fact, unexpected feedback, whether at the annual review or at the end of a project, can be avoided by setting clear expectations. When you're delegating any kind of work to one of your team members, the first thing to do is set extremely clear expectations. You're probably used to giving detailed instructions on what you want the deliverables to look like, but remember, it is imperative to also explain in advance how the work product will be…
