From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Create team and culture

Create team and culture

- Everyone throws around the word culture. But I bet if I asked you to define it, your answer would be vastly different from mine. Even Merriam Webster's dictionary has five definitions. That said, in this course, we'll leverage their definition of culture as, "The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, "and practices that characterizes "an institution or organization." If that sounds like a big deal, it's because it is. Culture is the single largest predictor of company and team success. Hopefully, your company already takes culture seriously, but as a manager, it's critical for you to create a positive and engaged culture in your team. In this lesson, I'm going to teach you how. The most common tools used to set a standard for culture are mission statements, vision statements, lists of core values, and operating principles. You should understand all of these, but you won't necessarily need all of them when fostering…
