From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

Congratulations on being a manager

- Do you remember the worst manager you ever had? Working for them was miserable. You couldn't wait to quit. Looking back on it, you don't even know how you lasted at that job as long as you did. It was terrible. Now think about the best manager you ever had. They respected you, listened to you, and you felt like they had your back. You trusted them, and they returned that trust. They helped you progress in your career, and the culture of your team was great. You actually liked your job. As a team leader, you have an absolutely incredible opportunity to make an impact on the lives and careers of your team members. It's up to you, though, what kind of an impact you're going to make. You can be people's best manager, or you can be their worst. I'm Dave Labowitz. I've served as a senior executive in four successful startup companies, and now I'm a business coach who helps leaders build stronger teams and bigger companies. In this course, I'm going to share with you the most essential lessons I learned during my leadership career. These aren't academic. They're real-world, actionable takeaways learned on the job by trial and error. I'll get into the number stuff, the management, and the people stuff, the leadership, and cover the strategies and skills you need in order to excel in both. I'll unmask the critical mistakes you'll want to avoid and give you practical methods for how to simply but effectively communicate with your team. Because if you don't have communication, you don't have much. You've heard it before, but it bears repeating. Great leaders aren't born. They're made. I wasn't a great manager at the beginning of my career. I had to learn and make myself into a good manager, then hopefully a great one. If you apply these lessons as you build your team, I believe you'll be on the path to being someone's best manager. Are you ready for the download? Let's get started.
