From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Be an example

Be an example

- Have you ever seen a video of a mother duck leading a raft of ducklings? They follow her every move and learn valuable survival skills. When you begin managing a team, this is an important analogy to remember, because your team will often emulate your behavior in a similar fashion. It's imperative that you're modeling behavior that you want your team to emulate. This is inspirational leadership, and there're three pillars to incorporate it into your management style. The first pillar is to behave with integrity. A simple framework for understanding integrity is people who practice what they preach. Modeling integrity for your team means being clear and transparent with your principles, then living in accordance with those principles. For example, if you think it's important for your team to show up on time, make sure you are there on time to start every meeting. If you think that open communication is a top priority,…
