From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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Introduction to quantum computing

Introduction to quantum computing

From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

Introduction to quantum computing

- [Instructor] You've probably heard the term quantum computing, but do you what it does and how it could change the way we process data? According to IBM's Bob Suitor, quantum computing offers a radically different approach to the way computers operate. It gives machines the power to perform complex calculations more quickly and effectively than ever before. Eventually, it will achieve quantum supremacy, the ability to solve problems that are seemingly unsolvable to today's smartest and most powerful machines. According to Suitor, quantum computing isn't version 2.0 of anything, and here's why. Current computers are binary. That is, calculations are made using a series of ones and zeros. Here's a simple analogy to help you understand. When you spin two coins, you know they will either be heads or tails when they land. Quantum computing uses qubits or quantum bits and is exponential in nature. For instance, one qubit…
