From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing

- [Narrator] There's no doubt working with influencers is on the rise. According to a report by Business Insider, by 2022, companies will be spending as much as $15 billion on influencer marketing. Today, nearly 80% of influencer programs happen in Instagram. Yet the landscape and rules of engagement continue to change and it's difficult finding the influencers who are a good fit for your audience and brand. Are you looking for reach or to build awareness? If you have the budget, you may want to consider digital or traditional stars, or maybe you'd rather have a closer relationship with your influencers. That's where a more niche group like micro-influencers come in. Micro-influencers, the most popular influencer group on Instagram have fewer than 10,000 followers. Because of that, their rates are generally lower than stars, and this provides an opportunity for smaller brands who may not have the budgets to afford a…
