From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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Google 2023: Search, ads, shopping, and generative AI

Google 2023: Search, ads, shopping, and generative AI

From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

Google 2023: Search, ads, shopping, and generative AI

- [Instructor] Each year Google hosts splashy industry events where it announces new products and talks about its future plans, and spoiler alert, this time it was all about generative AI. Here's an overview of some of the changes so you don't have to search for the news. The biggest shift centers on Search Generative Experience, or SGE, Google's plans to integrate conversational AI into its platform with its chatbot, Bard. Similar to Microsoft Bing, SGE has an easy to use chat interface. And you just ask Bard a question and you get a summarized response with images and links for attribution. SGE then offers you follow-up questions that it suggests, or you can write one of your own. Underneath the AI response, you'll find some of the more traditional search results. One thing that differentiates Bard from other chatbots is its response is written a little bit more objectively and without a quirky personality. Still…
