From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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Comparing augmented, virtual, mixed, and extended reality

Comparing augmented, virtual, mixed, and extended reality

From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

Comparing augmented, virtual, mixed, and extended reality

- [Instructor] When was the last time you thought about reality? And I don't meant those big, important and heady questions. I'm talking about augmented, virtual, mixed, and extended reality. What's the difference between them? How could you use them in your business? And is your brand even ready for the new reality? Let's begin with augmented reality, or AR. Most of us have seen or used AR, which refers to a digital layer on top of our world. A good example is the lenses on Snapchat and Instagram, where you add those cute bunny ears, weird glasses, or rainbows to your video or photo. But augmented reality isn't just for fun and games. Google enabled an AR feature on maps. Now, I'm directionally challenged at the best of times, and not too long ago, I was on holiday trying to find my way somewhere. I held up my phone to the street in front of me and it overlaid the view with big arrows, pointing me in the right direction.…
