From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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CES 2024: Digital and tech products waiting in the wings

CES 2024: Digital and tech products waiting in the wings

From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

CES 2024: Digital and tech products waiting in the wings

- [Presenter] When it comes to new tech, products and gadgets generally fall into one of two categories. Some are amazing time savers, and you wonder what you ever did without them. Others are, well, let's just say they might be better off on the cutting room floor. Each year, CES previews a wide range of innovative devices and apps. Let's check out some of the futuristic visions from this year's event. Can you live without your smartphone? I know, I feel lost if I don't have mine. Well, enter Rabbit R1, a new device that wants to hop ahead of its mobile competition. Like its furry counterpart, Rabbit is light and compact about the size of a pack of Post-it notes, but the R1 is a lot more powerful than that. You see, it's a conversational chatbot designed to simplify the way you interact with all your apps. It responds to complex voice commands and seamlessly completes them in the background. For instance, you could…
