From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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AI news and breakthroughs, April 2024

AI news and breakthroughs, April 2024

From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

AI news and breakthroughs, April 2024

- [Narrator] Going big and going small. Video that appears as if by magic and text to effects. It is time for AI and Marketing Products and News, a roundup of recent changes and what they could mean for your brand. Until recently, Google's been playing catch up in the generative AI race, but that's about to change with the launch of Gemini 1.5. Gemini 1.5 is a large language model with a big context window or working memory. Because it's multimodal, it can process text, images, data, and even video, and it can handle up to 1 million tokens or about 700,000 words. So you can upload additional examples or documents, craft longer prompts, and get more relevant results. But Google's also going in the other direction with a release of Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B, two smaller open models that can run on your own computer and provide an additional layer of safety to your data since it doesn't leave your system or device. So when it comes…
